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Bluetooth Applications

With Bluetooth being very popular with wireless, it's no wonder there are many applications available for the technology.  Below, you'll find the applications for Bluetooth.

1. Wireless networking between laptops and desktopcomputers, or desktops that are in a confined spaceand little bandwidth is needed.

2. Peripherals such as mice, keyboards, and printers.

3. Cell phones with Bluetooth technology have been sold in large numbers, as they are able to connect to

computers, PDAs (Personal Data Assistant), and various

other devices. The standard also includes the support for more powerful and longer range devices.

4. The transfer of files, images and MP3, between

mobile phones.

5. Certain MP3 players and digital cameras to 

transfer files to and from computers.

6. Bluetooth technology headsets for smart phonesand cell phones.

7. Data logging equipment that transmits data toa computer via Bluetooth technology.

8. Sony Playstation 3 and Nintendo Revolution willboth use Bluetooth technology for their wireless controllers.  

For Bluetooth, there are literally hundreds of 

different applications and devices available for you

to use or purchase. As you may already know, 

Bluetooth is the most popular wireless technology

in the world. It's very reliable, very dependable,

and very hard to crack into.

There are many other applications for Bluetooth in

development now, many of which plan to take the 

wireless age to the next level. Video game systems

are using Bluetooth technology as well, for their

wireless controllers. This is great news for gaming

fans, as Bluetooth offers the best in wireless

data transmission.

If your curious about applications for Bluetooth

that are still in development, you can search on

the internet. You can find all sorts of information,

especially when it comes to Bluetooth. As the 

future arrives, you can expect Bluetooth to bring

bigger and better things.

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